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Tax Returns from just $154

And we can do it all over the phone.

Fast turnaround and excellent service. Professional and personalised to make the whole process painless.

Ben Collins CPA

My name is Ben Collins and I am a tax specialist. I have helped thousands of people lodge their tax returns since I began practicing as a Registered Tax Agent in 2009.

I have a Bachelor of Taxation from UNSW and I was admitted as a Chartered Tax Advisor by the Tax Institute of Australia. I am also a CPA and a Chartered Governance Professional.

B Tax (UNSW); Grad Dip Applied Corporate Governance; Registered Tax Agent (#00692003).

When is my tax return due?

Tax returns lodged by individuals are due on the 31st of October following the end of the financial year. For those using a tax agent to lodge their tax return, an extension is given. Most individuals who use a tax agent will get an automatic extension until the 15th of May.

How long does it take to get my tax refund?

Once your tax return has been lodged, it will usually take around a week to be refunded to your bank account. This can sometimes be longer, especially if mistakes are picked up or if red flags are raised in your tax return.

What if I have late tax returns?

If you have late tax returns it is best to get them up to date and lodge them in order. Sometimes a tax refund will be held back if you have more than one tax return overdue. Penalties can be applied for late tax returns, but they can often be waived if you have a reason.

Why have a tax agent to prepare my tax return?

Most people engage a tax agent to prepare their tax return even if they have relatively simple affairs. Having someone look over your tax affairs every year means you won’t miss out on things that you weren’t aware of. I’ve seen plenty of people lose thousands of dollars because they did not understand the tax law and tried to save on tax agent fees. Tax agent fees are tax deductible.

What kind of things can I claim as a tax deduction?

You can claim deductions in your tax return for expenses incurred in gaining or producing assessable income, except to the degree that it is of a capital nature. There are a wide range of deductions employees can claim, and you can read more about work related expenses here.

How do I get the ball rolling on my tax return?
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By signing below, I hereby appoint Ben Collins (Tax Agent # 00692003) as my tax agent and warrant that I am authorised to make this declaration.

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